My Resume

Eric Kibogo

My name is Eric Kibogo, welcome to my resume! I am 22-years old and eager to learn new skills and take up new challenges in any field. This resume sets out my current experience and skills. I hope to be able to complement any team with my problem-solving ability, my capacity for new information and my results-oriented approach.


Here is some information about my educational background, which is quite broad, a testament to my adaptability and versatility studying varied concepts.

  1. Bachelor of Laws (LLB (Hons))
  2. GCE A-Levels:
    Chemistry, History, Biology, French (AS)

Skills and hobbies

In addition to my formal education, I have picked up some practical skills that help me achieve my personal and professional goals. These include:

Work Experience

I have worked for a number of establishments, most significantly:

Contact information and social media

You can contact me via a range of media, including: